Welcome to Avena Leisure Swim School
Avena Leisure has been teaching people of all ages to swim since 2008. Here at Avena it is our aim to teach your child how to swim in a clean comfortable safe environment with as little reliance on buoyancy aids as possible.
We cater to all levels from the total beginner to the more advanced swimmer.
Our swim lessons run in a 6 week course at a cost of €60.00 for 6 weeks (€70.00 for lane swimming).
We currently organise our kids into 6 separate levels:
Level 1: TurtleTeaching:There are 2 stages in Turtles. In stage 1 Turtles learn how to use their own natural buoyancy. We encourage the children to put their heads into the water, to kick and to use some basic stroke movements. In stage 2 Turtles will build on the basics learned at stage 1 but will now be encouraged to swim un-aided front and back for 2-5 metres. Our instructors are in the water with the kids. We aim to keep our ratio in this class to 1 instructor to 5 kids or less where possible.
Requirements for moving to the next level: The child must be able to swim 3-5 metres on their front and back. |
Level 2: RayTeaching:Rays are taught the basics in both the front crawl and backstroke. Kids are encouraged to take a breath while swimming front crawl. More emphasis is placed in achieving a propulsive kicking action along with a more defined stroke. In this class the kids will build in strength & confidence. This class is taught along side the wall for additional safety.
Requirements for moving to the next level: A more defined stroke on front and back coupled with a more accomplished stroke and increased endurance.
Level 3: DolphinTeaching:In Dolphins, increased endurance is one of the main factors. Covering the full width of the pool is now a must. Covering the width of the pool with more effeciency and less effort through a better all round stroke front and back is what we will be aiming for. Basic Breaststoke leg action is introduced at this level.
Requirements for moving to the next level: Children must achieve an efficient stroke front and back along with the required strength & endurance to cover many widths of our pool for the 30 minute period. |
Level 4: OrcaTeaching:Our Improvers will learn to breathe bilaterally in the front crawl along with a more effective stroke. The children will be taught a more efficient back stroke by encouraging better posture & positioning in the water. The beginnings of the full breast-stroke are also taught in this class. Butterfly leg action will also be introduced.
Requirements for moving to the next level: A strong stroke must be achieved in all 3 strokes at this stage. Effective bilateral breathing in the front crawl is required. Good stroke and posture on the backstroke. An established synchronised stroke & kick in the breast-stroke. Quite a lot must be covered and achieved at this level. |
Level 5: SharkTeaching:Sharks will develop further in front crawl & backstroke. An efficient synchronised kick-stroke-breath is taught at this level in the breast-stroke. A further progression in the backstroke is taught by paying special attention to posture and arm rotation. Correct starts and turns across all strokes. The beginning of tumble turns may also be introduce at this level.
Requirements for moving to the next level: All 3 strokes must be achieved to a good standard in this class along with the required endurance for lane swimming. |
Level 6: MarlinTeaching:The main aim of this class is to increase speed and endurance by refining all 3 strokes. The introduction of the butterfly and tumble turns are applied in this class. Kids are required to swim lengths of the pool. In Marlin`s an increase in swim fitness is attained. |
Equipment required for your child/children
- A swim hat
- Goggles that fit. (Please ensure that you have the goggles adjusted and comfortable for the child before the class. Instructors can spend a lot of teaching time on fixing goggles).
- A dry towel for after the class
When bringing your child for its first lesson
- Give yourself plenty of time to become familiar with the layout and operation of the leisure centre.
- Parking is available at the rear of the leisure centre. Enter the car-park at the rear of Supervalu and travel toward the top of the car-park. You will see wall signs pointing to Avena Leisure. Limited parking is available on the street at the front of the leisure centre.
- When bringing your child/children from your vehicle to the leisure centre and from the leisure centre back to you vehicle, do so with great care to avoid any accidents. Many other vehicles will be attending our swim lessons during this time.
- A code for the security door must be attained to enter the changing rooms. This code is available at reception. Please enter this code into the keypad to get access to the changing rooms. When you have entered through the security door, the ladies changing room is located to the right, gents to the left. Lockers, Toilets and showers are located in the changing rooms.
- Please ensure your child/children have used the toilet before entering on to the pool deck. Showering is also a requirement before entering onto the pool deck.
- Access to the pool area is provided through the changing rooms.
- Stand with your child on the pool deck nearest the changing rooms. A staff member will call for the kids to attend their class. As it is your first lesson please wait for assistance and a staff member will direct you to your class.
- Do not leave the leisure centre during the lesson as your child may require your attention ie. Use the toilet.
- Please stand in the same area a couple of minutes before your childs class is due to finish for collection.
- Changing rooms are always very busy during lessons. Please be as efficient as possible when changing your child during this period.
- Be aware that your child/children do not re-enter the pool area after the lesson.
Re-enrolling your child for the next term
- You must make payment for the next 6 week course before or on the payment date stated on our swim posters.
- This may be done as early as week 5 but no later than the payment date specified on our poster. Payment may be made in person or over the phone (card only).
- Payment at reception may be made by Debit or credit card, cash, cheque or an Avena voucher.
- When payment has been made your child has been re-enrolled for the next term.
- Please contact us if you are unsure, we will be glad to help.
Book your child’s place. Minimum age: 4 years old